builder's packages

Scaffolding packages for professional users!

Complete scaffolding packages with adjustable base jacks, wall anchors, skirting boards and scaffolding tags

  1. Easy and fast installation
  2. Low weight and few components
  3. Solid workmanship and long service life
  4. Norwegian-produced
  5. SINTEF certified


Fast delivery

Shipping the next working day

High quality

SINTEF certified scaffolding

Safe payment

with Nets, Klarna or invoice

Jamax builder's packages
– the first choice for builders and carpenters

Easy and fast installation

Jamax is known to be a simple but very sturdy scaffolding system that is assembled and disassembled quickly and without the use of tools. With the adjustable base jacks at the bottom, you set the scaffolding exactly so that it is level and straight, even if the ground is slightly uneven.

Often there is also sloping terrain around the building, in which case you can also use extra assembly frames to equalize the height difference.  You always attach the scaffolding to the facade with the included wall anchors.

Flexible in use

With the help of the many different scaffolding parts in the system, you can build different solutions adapted to the job you are going to do. For example, you can extend the scaffolding sideways for extra workspace or to get past a protrusion, and adjust the platform height to fit the façade. You can also vary between different section lengths.

Once you have set up the scaffolding according to the user manual and the desired height/length, you can move freely around the scaffolding. Several people can be in the scaffolding at a time, as Jamax scaffolding is in load class 3 and thus can withstand a load of 200 kg per m2.

Plywood or composite

The standard surface material for the platforms in the Jamax scaffolding system is plywood boards, but you can also get the platforms with composite boards if desired. These are somewhat lighter than the plywood kind, and they can withstand even more when it comes to wear and tear and tough use. Platforms with composite boards cost a little more, but at the same time they provide several important advantages. 

Fast delivery of Jamax scaffolding

The Jamax scaffolding system is manufactured by skilled professionals at Os in Vestland region, which means that there are always goods in stock. This is a great advantage for you as a customer, who can then expect to get the goods quickly delivered to the desired delivery point, whether this is to your warehouse, to the construction site or to one of Bring’s terminals for pick-up there. Alternatively, you can pick up the goods yourself from us, either at department Os or department Kristiansand.

Scaffolding maintenance

A Jamax scaffold does not need much active maintenance, but it is important to clean and check all parts regularly to make sure that they are intact and free from damage. There are separate inspection forms that can be used for this purpose. See chapter 12 of the user guide for more information on this.

Storing the scaffolding when not in use

Jamax scaffolding is compact and storage-friendly when stacked optimally. The square profiles mean that the scaffolding parts remain stable when placed on top of each other. It is best to store the scaffolding in a dry and frost-free place when not in use. Preferably in a warehouse or similar. There are also purpose-built scaffolding trailers that are perfect for storage and transportation. If you treat the scaffolding well, you will be able to enjoy and benefit from the scaffolding for many years.


Facade scaffolding 55,5 M2

Length 9 m x height 5,5/7,5 m

Complete with adjustable base jacks, wall anchors and skirting boards


Facade scaffolding 73,5/82,5 M2

Length 9/15 m x height 5,5/9,5 m

Complete with adjustable base jacks, wall anchors and skirting boards


Builder's package 1

Length 15 m x height 5,5 m

Complete with adjustable base jacks, wall anchors and skirting boards


Builder's package 2

Length 18 m x height 5,5 m

Complete with adjustable base jacks, wall anchors and skirting boards


Builder's package 3

Length 24 m x height 5,5 m

Complete with adjustable base jacks, wall anchors and skirting boards


Builders package 4

Length 33 m x height 7,5 m

Complete with adjustable base jacks, wall anchors and skirting boards



Lengde 9-15 m x høyde 5,5/9,5 m

Komplett pakke med stillbare føtter, veggfester, fotlister og merkeskilt

Kr 47.800,- eks. mva.

Frequently asked questions

Up to 24 meters. Construction higher than this requires special calculations.


The Jamax scaffolding system is certified to load class 3, i.e. a load of 2.0 kN (approx. 200 kg) per m2, evenly distributed on the surface of the platforms. This is described in our user guide.

See information in our user guide.


Yes, the scaffolding is SINTEF certified – PS 3276 and PS 3282.


Yes, we have our own drawing tool that we use to calculate scaffolding on different buildings. Contact us!

Yes, old scaffolding fits with the new one. We are constantly working on product development and have made several improvements to the products, but no changes that affect the overall functionality.

We cooperate with Sem Sikkerhet AS and Mesa AS for scaffolding courses. Scaffolding courses are not required for private individuals.

Yes, you get a 10-year warranty against manufacturing defects on the Jamax Scaffolding System.

Yes, we are happy to help you find a package solution that suits your needs. Feel free to call us at 56304100.

Yes, we offer repairs at favorable prices. Please contact us!

Documentation and brochures

Os Marina

Os Marina er en fornøyd bruker av Alutec sine tjenester. De har levert kvalitetsprodukter til oss, og de har vist at de er til å stole på. At de er en lokal leverandør er også et stort pluss.

Os Marina,
5210 Os

Hordvikhavn Båtlag

Da vi i Hordvikhavn Båtlag skulle bytte ut havneanlegget vårt som har tjenestegjort i opp mot 40 år, var Alutec en selvsagt leverandør å forespørre om jobben. Anlegget vi hadde kom derfra og lokal tilhørighet har vært en stor fordel i alle disse årene. Reservedeler har aldri vært et problem og noe slitasje må man forvente. Når de også var veldig konkurransedyktig på pris ble valget enkelt for oss. Utlegging og kommunikasjon under prosessen med jobben har vært veldig god og arbeidet ble gjort til avtalt tid selv med utfordringene i denne korona-tiden. Vi har fått et fantastisk nytt anlegg …

Hordvikhavn Båtlag,
5108 Hordvik

RB Bygg AS

Jeg har både stillashenger, som jeg bruker til småjobber som tilbygg, og en Simply inclined lift. Liften har jeg brukt til takomlegging i en svær bygård, ombygging av leiligheter der jeg har fraktet søppel og materiale inn og ut fra vinduer, og jeg har også leid den ut. Det fine er at jeg kan kjøre opp langs fasaden med liften, kommer helt inntil veggen og opp på taket (inntil 22 m). Den er kjempefin, lett å sett opp og bruke. Angrer ikke på at jeg kjøpte den!

Rbbygg AS,
0668 Oslo

Total Byggservice AS, 8150 Ørnes

Vi er kjempefornøyde med Simply Inclined lift som vi bruker mye til å frakte utstyr og materiale – primært på taktekkingsjobber. Det har vært en veldig bra opplevelse å handle med Alutec. De svarer fort på mailer, er hyggelige å prate med og gir god service.

Total Byggservice AS,
8150 Ørnes

Tveiten & Riis Murmesterfirma, 3229 Sandefjord

Vi er fornøyde med våre fem superlifter som er i bruk så å si kontinuerlig. De er enkle å flytte, montere og demontere og alle delene er lette å løfte på med håndmakt hvis man er 2-3 personer. Vi bruker heisene mest til å frakte teglstein når vi jobber på fasader. Det har fungert veldig bra å handle med Alutec, de kommer med bra tilbud og følger godt opp!

Tveiten & Riis Murmesterfirma AS,
3229 Sandefjord

Ole H Liavik, huseier, 3531 Krokkleiva

Jeg har hatt glede med å ta i bruk Huspakke 1 i dag og ble fasinert av teknologien som var tatt i bruk og gitt et sikkert og lettbetjent verktøy for boligvedlikehold. Opplevelsen ble bedre, og det var lett å komme i gang. Pakken kom samtidig med godværet, godt emballert og instruksmaterialet gjorde hele opplevelsen mer innholdsrik enn forventet. Det var moro å komme i gang med arbeidet, også å vite at hjelpen ikke er langt unna, når behovet melder seg.

Ole H Liavik,
huseier, 3531 Krokkleiva

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